The responsibilities of ICCC’s Committee are outlined as follows, based on clear and transparent procedures which are specified in the ICCC’s Operational Principles and the ICCC's Code of Conduct.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee represents the highest level of supervision of the ICCC organisation, and ensures compliance with its internal rules, i.e. these Operational Principles.
The Steering Committee decides on the locations of future congresses and the composition of the Scientific Committee. The Steering Committee also suggests amendments to the Operational Principles.
The Steering Committee meets twice between Congresses by virtual means and once physically during each Congress. However additional meetings can be organised if requested by a majority of the Steering Committee members. The Steering Committee is convened by its Chair, who also approves the minutes of the meeting which are then made available to the ICCC community.
The members of the Steering Committee are listed here.
Scientific Committee
For each ICCC the Steering Committee nominates a Scientific Committee which is responsible - together with the host country - for ensuring the scientific quality of the upcoming ICCC.
The Scientific Committee decides on the papers which will be accepted (presentations or posters) based on a confidential review process. It also has the right to nominate keynote speakers for the theme sessions, and members of the Scientific Committee are expected to volunteer as chairs for the theme sessions.
All procedures undertaken by the Scientific Committee must be made transparent before they are implemented, including the criteria for the selection of papers, presentations and posters.
The members of the Scientific Committee work on a voluntary basis, i.e. they are not paid by the ICCC.
In addition to and consistent with the rules given in the Operational Principals, the Scientific Committee works on the basis of a code of conduct which provides a more detailed framework for how the Scientific Committee should work.
Members of the Scientific Committee are listed here.
Constitutional Committee
For many years the ICCC has worked on an ad-hoc basis from congress to congress. In order to ensure the continuity of the ICCC and maintain its clear scientific and technical focus, and to ensure openness, transparency, good government and efficient functioning, the ICCC requires a permanent organisation. Against this background a small “nucleus group” met on the occasion of the ICCC in Madrid in summer 2011 and took the initiative to support the development of permanent organisational and operational principles for the ICCC. A “constitutional committee” composed of committed, experienced members of the ICCC community then drafted a document with a final structure for the ICCC, i.e. the operational principles of the ICCC.
The volunteers on the constitutional committee who worked on the first draft of the ICCC operational principles, were as follows:
Fred Glasser, University of Aberdeen (Co-chair for ICCC 2011)
Angel Palomo, Instituto Eduardo Torroja (Chair for ICCC 2011)
Mrs. Yao Yan, China Building Materials Academy (Chair for ICCC 2015)
Further (in alphabetical order):
James Beaudoin, Canada
Dale P. Bentz, NIST, USA
Leon Black, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Hugo Bolio, Cemex, Mexico
Constantino Cesar, Titan America, USA
Anjan Kumar Chatterjee, India
Jesper Damtoft, Aalborg Portland, Denmark
Jannie S. J. Van Deventer, Australia
Wolfgang Dienemann, Heidelberg Cement, Germany
R. D. (Doug) Hooton, Canada
Ellis Gartner, Lafarge Centre de Recherche, France
Laurent Izoret, ATILH, France
Vanderley M. John, Escola Politécnica da USP, Brasil
Etsuo Sakai, Japan
George W. Scherer, USA
Martin Schneider, VDZ, Germany
Caijun Shi, Hunan University/China Building Materials Academy
Karen Scrivener, École Poytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Markus Tschudin, HOLCIM Group Support, Switzerland
Kazuo Yamada, Japan
With operational structures for the ICCC having been implemented, the “constitutional committee” had discharged its remit and ceased to exist.